Create a Mailbox Monitoring Solution

Self-paced Workshop I wonder how many of us use shared mailboxes to funnel work? How well does a shared mailbox, on its own, work?Do all team members do their fair share of the work answering messages from the shared mailbox or does social loafing run rampant? Maybe it is time to consider monitoring email in shared mailboxes. After all, receiving and responding to email can require a lot ofRead More…

Send Automatic Power BI Notifications to Email, Mobile Device and Microsoft Teams

Power BI is becoming an indispensable enterprise tool for re-imagining business processes, monitoring work flow and reporting. Adding automatic notifications makes this good thing even better. Power BI Here’s what you’ll need: Access to Power BI service (free license works)Access to an already published report in the Power BI serviceAccess to an already published dashboard with pinned tiRead More…

Add Power BI Reports and Power Apps to Microsoft Teams

Teams can literally be a one-stop shop for work in a modern business. Adding Power BI and Power Apps tabs make it even more powerful and convenient. Add a Power BI Reports tab in Teams In Microsoft Teams, click the desired team.Click the + on the header bar.On the Add a tab window, click Power BI.On the next tab window, enter a name for the new Teams tab.Select the Power BI workspace and reRead More…

UnPivot columns in Microsoft Power BI and your data may stop adding up

Unpivot Columns In Power BI, Unpivot Columns transforms columns into rows with attributes and values. In other words, it changes the data structure and as a result it can change values in a visualization. Other ColumnsApplesOrangesBananas12344212 In the table above, we can sum the values in any of the columns. For example, The sum of the column named Other Columns is 5. OtheRead More…